
Deciding On What To Buy Or Need A Easy Recipe?

Looking to have a nice hot meal but short on cash? Then look through our ingredient chart and it shows how much one can make with X amount of ingredients. Make a Almond Amaretto Fudge take only uses three ingredients without breaking the bank. But are the steps too much? Why not look for a recipe that uses the least amount of steps for those beginners trying out cooking for the first time.

Interesting Correlations

The chart on the left is the correlation between the number of steps to prepare vs the prep time and the R value is 0.4145. This is actually a weak correlation which is very interesting given that one would assume more steps equals longer prep time.

The chart on the right is the correlation between the number of steps to prepare vs the number of ingredients in a recipe and the R value is 0.4266. Again, this is a weak correlation and it suggests that the number of ingredients do not affect the number of steps to make a recipe.