
About Foodies

What Are We Answering?

As college students we are constantly focused on our classes and don’t have as much time to focus on our food intake, which is very important to our well-being. We want to create a visualization that can help others easily find what recipes they can make by answering specific questions that they have like this:

  • I have X amount of time, what can I make using this amount of time?
  • I want a X amount of protein in my meal, what recipe has the highest amount?
  • I want to search for more recipes, how likely will I find a recipe that suits my needs?

Since this data focuses on the time it takes to make as well as the nutrition of various recipes, we can easily see what recipes we can use in our daily lives.

Exploring Data

Because the dataset from kaggle contains 522,517 recipes from 312 different categories, it would require our team to do data analysis. Here are examples of what our team had done to sort through massive amount of data to provide a meaningful and plottable data:

  • Sampled through the dataset and chose 100 recipes
  • Modified cookTime, prepTime, and totalTime to use minutes only instead of the format like PT1H40M
  • Checking if attributes that are supposed to be unique are actually unique (ratings)

For data processing, we used Excel for sorting columns in order and Javascript to split and count attributes.For visualization, we used Photoshop, Plotly.js, and ZingChart for creating a static nutrition chart, bar charts, and word clouds.

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